Riddle # 1:  "I am tied at least once a day, and forced to carry ten nails.  I work hard without pay and follow your many trails."
Riddle # 2:  ""I can be repeated, but seldom in the same way.  I can't be changed, but can be rewritten.  I can be passed down but should not be forgotten."
Riddle # 3:  "When found it is black.  When used it turns red.  When it turns white, you know it is dead"
Riddle # 4:  "You do it to a bath to get clean.  You do it to a curtain not to get seen.  You do it with a pen, or come up short again."
Riddle # 5:  "When I'm out of the bag, there's nothing left to say.  Inquisitiveness killed me, I'm independent in my ways."
(Answers somewhere else in the bulletin.  Look for them)