Request for Assistance
     Patty Dickerson, a teacher at Bonham Pre-K School in San Marcos wrote a letter which came to the attention of our Club president, who passed it on to our Support Committee.  Since Bonham is a new facility, they are requesting assistance  in the form of Playground equipment.  I am passing this on through our bulletin to let our readers know of their request.  Without reading the entire letter, let me itemize some of their needs that they are seeking help.
(1)...Garden areas for all classrooms - raised garden boxes approximately 3' X8'....12 in each garden areas.
(2)....Outdoor writing areas - large plywood board painted with chalkboard paint,  also a large structure  with laminate to paint on.
(3)....Water play area - a free standing water trough constructed on site.
(4)....Balance and Stepping structures. made up of graduated in height crosscut logs - enclosed in area filled with gravel.
(5)....ADA pathways to garden and bike track made uip of mulch surface.
(6)....Bike track - concrete surface
(7).....Fall Zone area that is encircled with either landscape timbers or other border and filled with approved mulch...future climbing structure and balance beams.
(8).....Fast growing trees to provide shade
(9).....Music area built into the playground that includes durable constructed "musicsal instruments" such as: Tank drums, PVC musical chimes, wooden xylophone, metal pipe chimes, drain pipe drums.
     Let's hear your response to this request and any suggestions.  We can talk about it in our club, or if anyone who is reading this bulletin might have some suggestions, let us know.  The phone number at the school is 512-393-6011.  The principal of the school is Rosemary Garza.