"Kiwanis Criminal Background Investigation"
"As your Club Secretary, it is my duty and concern that every member of our club apply for a CBI, and I am informing all our members that this is not just a "maybe" thing, but a "must" I am enclosing the names of those who have not applied for their CBI yet
If you plan to participate in a Kiwanis Sponsored Project when youth & children are involved, you 'must' have a Favorable Criminal Background Investigation (CBI). This CBI request is available only line. Go to www.txokkiwanis.org, put your cursor on Member Resources, click on Forms & Reports and Scroll down to Background Checks. The top 2 listings are for CBI's, click on the Online button to access the form. DO NOT use any other form than this one. If problem, call Lee Shuey, District Secretary, 1-817-640-7711.
We do not have records for the following: Cynthia Bentley, Chad Burns, James Collier, Tracy Herman, Moe Johnson, Charles Johnson, Francis Mendez, Gary Nelson, Mervin Richards, John Roppolo, Courtney Taylor, Garr4y White, Rhonda White, and Caleb Williams.
As your Club Secretary I hope you will comply with at your earliest convenience. (Glen Rydl, Secretary)