**....Regional News....6/19/16
"A Proposal for reducing mandatory travel through Self-Evaluation by local clubs."(Written by Rob Martin, Regional Trustee for Region 1.)
This proposal is designed to relieve Lt. Governors of the reoccurring mandatory travel time needed to visit each Division's Clubs a minimum of three times annually. The new Trustee Management System includes a major emphasis on Lt. Governors' role as one of providing assistance to their clubs rather than evaluating their performance. I believe we might better served by utilizing a self-evaluating process for the clubs. The information gathered would be a better description of performance and a very valuable source to assist the Lt. Governors in identifying areas where assistance could be focused on weaknesses in growth and service.
When I was unable to travel after my heart surgery, I developed a proposal of self-evaluation for each of the clubs I served. Utilizing a modified form which I created, I asked each club to evaluate themselves as follows:
a. The official club meeting is to be self-evaluated by members of the club's governing Board. The results are forwarded to the Lt. Governor to be used as a basis for future assistance by the Lt. Governor.
b. Each clubs' governing Board self-evaluation would be accomplished by the individual Board members, forwarded to the President for consolidation and then forwarded to the division's Lt. Governor providing a second source for future assistance by the Lt. Governor.
c. This self-evaluation would replace the traditional Education and Contact meeting. I have revised the proposal under Club's policies, Procedures and service. The proposed evaluation would be prepared by the Club President (and perhaps the President Elect) providing a basis for future assistance by the Lt. Governor.
d. I believe this or a similar process may interest potential candidates for future Lt. Governor positions. A reduction in mandatory travel to accomplish the current duties of Lt. Governor might also prefer a more acceptable role of providing a mentoring link with local clubs. It would provide valuable information in preparation of a Five Year Plan as well as application of The Formula and the IPLAN.
e. This proposal would necessitate additional policy and procedure development and encourage future participation in other roles in the Texas Oklahoma District. Perhaps a sub-committee of the Long Range Planning Committee could study the issues involved and provide a recommendation for the full committee to consider.