^^,,,,New Shirts....9/5/16

This years Installation & Award Dinner will be held at the Brookdale, San Marcos North out off of RR 12. It will be held On September 22, 2016, and will begin at 6:00pm. If you haven't signed up and indicated who is coming with you, please do so this coming Thursday. Tracy, our incoming President needs to have an accurate account. This is a very important event. Club members do not want to miss it. We will be electing new officers, and Board Members, recognizing Perfect Attendees for the past year; also those who have earned Legion of Honor awards, and also who will be the Kiwanian of the Year this year. As soon as Tracy gives us more details as to menu, cost, etc, we will probably send out an email to everyone, as well as put it in the bulletin. Don't miss it.