kkk....New Governor....12/19/16
"Our New TX/OK Kiwanis Governor......John Sheridan.
Our new District Governor, John Sheridan is focused on growth and service. He looks to the future as well as recognizing the past. He realizes we have to know where we have been to plot a path to the future. John often expresses "Kiwanis is about three things: service, fellowship and education. We are a service organization and that is our core, the friends and relationships that are developed as we meet and work on projects are priceless, learning about the world around us through programs at meetings and KI training allows us to grow and expand."
The Texas - Oklahoma Kiwanis District Goals for 2016-17, by September 30, 2017 The TO District will:
1........... Inspiration - - District Regional I-Plan team members will provide support to Kiwanis International T-O Formula Team to reach out to each club in their Division/Region to provide workshops and assistance thus enabling clubs to grow by net I member .
2............. Impact - - T-O District will identify signature projects by 50% of the clubs submitting a form recapping their signature projects. Banner patches will be awarded to each club submitting the form. Regional patches will be awarded to each club submitting the form. Regional teams are available to assist clubs that don't have a signature project.
A signature project is a fundraiser or act of service that addresses a need so effectively that it establishes Kiwanis' reputation in the community. It answers the question, "What is Kiwanis?" Clubs of all sizes can have signature projects. Just choose one that makes a difference - - a significant difference
3............ Image - - Increase Kiwanis's Image by placing news articles for Club's projects for 100% of Clubs that have a signature project. Signature projects are important for the future of Kiwanis. They help us to elevate awareness of Kiwanis in local communities, engage current members and remind them why they joined, provide valuable and needed service to a community, and maximize community resources.
4............. Investment - - The T-O District Foundation will develop a plan to support the youth of the T-O District by encouraging all clubs to support the T-O Kiwanis Foundation through annual gifts, honoring Kiwanians at the club and division level through C.T. Bush Awards and Gary Hicks Award, and increase awareness and giving to the Foundation Endowment through the Legacy Society and specifically endowed scholarships for CKI and Key Clubs.