"Kiwanis of the Month of July, 2016"
     I know that this is a bit late, but the recipient for Kiwanis for the Month of July and your editor couldn't get together to get a picture.  Anyway, President Moe presented Glen Rydl, our club Secretary to be given the honor of being Kiwanis for the month of July. 
     As anyone who has ever been a Kiwanis Secretary knows, it is a never ending job, not just on club meeting days, but all through the week, month and year!  The Secretary has to submit so many forms to District and International, as well as keeping up with attendance each week, ordering supplies from T/O District, making sure that when the time comes to see who has had perfect attendance through the year, that they get the proper recognition.  They also have to file tax forms as well as being at every board meeting, taking minutes, printing out the minutes.  It is a very important  job, and a necessary one.  Glen has done a remarkable job as Secretary and truly is a Kiwanian of the Month.