What a Fantastic Christmas Interclub we had last Thursday over at Mamacitas.
What a wonderful place to hold a get together like our Christmas Interclub last Thursday. We had almost every seat in our room filled with either Kiwanis members or Kiwanis members and their significant other. At last count it was 45 or so in attendance. We had Christmas music sung by everyone and even a self developed quartet with John Polk, Charles Walts, Rob Martin and Del Brown singing three Christmas songs. Everyone ordered from the menu and even with everything that President Balkman covered, we still were able to get out a a very decent hour. It was very well planned. Thanks to all of those who had a hand in setting the dining facilities and making sure name tags were available, and everyone had a p;lace to sit, thanks to Mamacitas. By the way our own Charles Johnson won the Big Bucks for our club.
Those who came from other clubs as our guests were: John Clifford, our Region 1 Trustee, Ken Baumbach from Lockhart Club (Our Division Lt. Governor,) Brittany Antonietti, our K-Kids faculty advisor, Elena SanchezVillanueva, Principal of DeZavala Elementary School, Reye Valdez, with the Terrific Kids, DeZavala School, Paul Banks, son of our club's Chester Banks, Phil McBride from Lockhart Kiwanis, Fred Bell from Lockhart Kiwanis, Larry Murle Love, John Matthews, from Luling Kiwanis, and Phyllis Hillhouse, from Luling Kiwanis.
Those from our club were Doug Balkman and Jeanne; Chester Banks, Cynthia Bentley, Del & Marie Brown,Ted & Frances Breihan, Frederick Case, David Chandler, James Collier, Randy Cook, Pam Cook, Beverly Crumley, Andy & Carol Gary, Tracy Herman, Charles & Linda Johnson, Moe Johnson, Rob & Judy Martin, Gary & Sherry Nelson, John & Mary Polk, Glen Rydl, Lon & Phyllis Shell, Charles Walts, Kelli Whigham, Garry White, Rhonda White,