More memories from the past.  ....when forty-five minutes was used  in introducing a speaker at Ladies Night, giving rise to a new by-word in another Ladies Night and installation at Gary, it was so icy and slippery that our speaker appeared with a bruised face...... W.W. Jackson brought down the house at Ladies Night with a clever satire. based on a supposed review of "Ferdinand the Bull"......Two English-professor-presidents failed to correct the singing of "America" from "thy pilgrim's pride" to "the pilgrim's pride."......Lloyd Martin put up the highway sign: "San Marcos....owned by the Rotarians, run by the Kiwanians, enjoyed by the Lions.".......Bob Kercheville, in his safety campaign appeared before the Rotary Club, but somehow fell flat with his slogan: "Drive carefully, so you'll be old enough to be a Rotarian".......Dr,. Edwards, in the mid-thirties, in attempting to rouse the club to more activity, startled the members with an apparently serious argument for disbanding the club......Dr. Edwards was "framed----with an unusual picture frame, (a toilet seat)