What a Fantastic and Successful 'Clean Up Camp & Club Picnic'
     It couldn't have come off any better - the weather was super, the temperature was not too hot or not too cool - just right. All of the clean up that needed to be done was done - thanks to you who pitched in for this chore....and then there was 'food, glorious food!' and plenty of it.  Thanks to Steve Whigham who seemed to be doing OK in cooking the hamburgers and hot dogs on the portable grill brought by Lon Shell.  Nothing could have come off any better, but it took all of the club working together to pull it off.  Thanks to all of you who brought, food, chips, soft drinks, water, and that marvelous, special cake that was given and eaten by all in honor of Ted Breihan's 91st birthday.  I've never seen Ted without words.  I know that he was deeply moved, and rightly so bdcause his brother had passed away just a couple days before this event.  
     There was a grand turnout for this event and here they are: Ted & Francis Breihan; Doug & Jeanne Balkman' Rob Martin & Linda; John & Mary Polk, Lon Shell, Del Brown, James Collier, David Chandler, Randy & Pam Cook;Cynthia Bentley; Courtney Taylor; Charles Walts; Frederick & Margo Case; Beverly Crumley; Gary & Nancy Strunk; Gary Nelson; Kelli & Steve Whigham; Rhonda White.  I think that comes to 26.  Great!!!!  Everyone contributed to the action, and isn't that what clubs are all about?