​     What a wonderful Christmas Interclub we had last Thursday at San Marcos BBQ.  We had nearly 40 persons in attendance including members from Lockhart club, Marble Falls club and Sequin club.  President Moe Johnson welcomed everyone, we sang "God Bless America", had the pledge to our American flag, and prayed.  Then we had some excellent guitar and vocal music by a couple of very talented musicians, one which was Moe's son.  A real treat was when John Polk came in in a wheel chair.  He has been confined over in Deer Creek Rehabilitation Center for almost 2 months following hip surgery.  John has always had a very positive, uplifting attitude toward his many health issues, that a special ​Certificate of Courage ​ was presented to him from his fellow club members.  He was quite overtaken with surprise.  The activities ended with a humorous rendition of "Twas the Day After Christmas" and some carol singing.  We thank everyone who attended this special seasonal get together.