aaaa.....Pancake 2017....4/10/17
Final Tally for this year's Pancake Day and Silent Auction......
Charles Johnson passed out the final tally on this y ear's Pancake and Silent Auction, and it was a good one. We had almost 100% participation of members, plus Medical Explorers, plus K-Kids from DeZavala, and Salvation Army volunteers. We had a subtotal income of $9,634, including ticket sales, Auction and Pancake Sales,Auction checks, Auction Credit, Donations, Mix Refund. Sale of Sausage/Mix sale to members.
The overall expenses came to $2,061.97 which included cash to start with Supplies, such as bowls and tools, signs Activity Center rental, newspaper, and thank you letter postage and Credit Card fees came to $2,0561.97. That gives a grand Total Profit of $7,572.25.
We served a grand total of 294 people. All in all, many members felt it was the best event we have had, considering some basic changes from years past. Thanks to everyone who made it possible, especially all of the community citizens that came, ate, purchased auction items and had a great time in conversation with each other.