​     On Saturday, February 13, Rob Martin (our Regional Lt Governor for Division 38, 23 & 24), along with Frederick Case, Randy Cook and Del Brown went up to Roundrock FUMC to welcome our new District Governor, Erby Eikner and his wife, Francine.  to the Hill Country Region.  The Governor -elect John Sheridan was also there, as well as the CKI District Governor,
​Jennifer Tuggle.  Frederick gave a very thorough rundown on the work of District Foundation matters as well as did some updates as far as the Formula is concerned.  Francine Eikner informed us that we are only 5 million away from fulfilling our commitment goal of 110 million to eliminate MNT, therefore since we are so close, the date for completion has been extended to 2020.  Our club has fulfilled it's commitment and have received our Model Club Patch.  Rob Martin, as Regional Trustee led the meeting including the nomination and election of Rob's successor as Regional Trustee.  Rob will have served for one year, and his replacement will serve for three years.  There will be more information at our club meeting.