Texas Oklahoma Kiwanis News.
     Hill Country Region (Divisions 23, 24, 38) will have 'Club Leadership Education' on July 23, 2016, from 9-4 at First United Methodist Church in Round Rock.  Seems like this is about the most central and accessible place to hold these things.
      This is for new Presidents, Secretaries,  (and there will be a break out session for them) and any other leaders in your club.  There is an extensive agenda, as evidenced by the long time scheduled.  This would also be great for Membership Chairs  as well.
     EVERY CLUB should plan to have someone attend this!
AND THEN....... Texas Oklahoma Convention in Allen, Texas, August 12-14, details and registration online.  Make sure your delegates are registered!  (We did a great job of having clubs represented at the Called Convention in Garland last month!