San Marcos Kiwanis Club
Candy Lonie, Hays County Office of Emergency Services (photo by Kelli Whigham)
San Marcos Kiwanis Club Newsletter, Sept. 5, 2024
Lon opened the meeting and Kelli did the Big Bucks drawing and collected Happy Dollars.
Guests were Rowe Ray and Scott Tidwell who came with our speaker Candy Lonie with the Community Emergency Response Team. Veronica Medina came for another visit.
Kelli gave a report on the Installation Banquet coming up on Sept. 20th at the First United Methodist Church. Tickets are $25. Please start buying your tickets as soon as possible. It is requested that payment be made before the event.
Lon said there will be a lot of awards given at the banquet so plan on coming.
He also announced a short board meeting will be held immediately after today's lunch. The next regular board meeting is Sept. 11th.
It is looking promising for reinstating a Key Club at the high school and K Kids at De Zavala Ele. Lon and Rick are meeting with key people to work out details.
Rick said Daija, the intern, backed out of the position. She felt it was not a good fit for her.

At the short meeting after lunch, the board voted on the increase for dues at the club level. The Admin acct. has been running close to a deficit so to insure the club can cover all expenses associated with the account, dues will now be $250. This was noted at a previous club meeting. Final notification has been emailed to all members.
PROGRAM: Candy Lonie with the Hays County Office of Emergency Services spoke about the Community Emergency Response Team or CERT. This is a most valuable program for the Hays County area with 300 trained volunteers helping during disasters. She said the program was initiated after the 1985 Mexico City earthquake that was so devastating. One hundred people who rushed to help were lost due to being untrained. This was when they came to the realization that an organized and trained group of volunteers was needed. From this was born CERT. Candy showed a video that included the disastrous earthquake in San Franciscot, 
Volunteers receive FEMA training for any disaster with four training sessions offered per year. There are five branches in Hays County. Training covers, among many other things, traffic control and crowd managment. Volunteers assist emergency services personnel when requested. During down times, volunteers reach out to families and communities before an emergency to help prepare them for what to do if first responders are not immediately available. They try to partner with different agencies. Candy said that because of CERT training, volunteers do not have loss of hope.
CERT's Vision is: Create a community empowered with the knowledge, tools, and support to proactively mitigate, effectively respond to, and recover from emergencies." This is a vital and important service for all communities.
Sept. 12th: TBD
Sept. 19th: Round Table possibly.
Sept. 26th: Business Meeting
Sept. 20th: Installation Banquet, First United Methodist Church
Regular Reminders: 
Don't forget to click "like" and "share" on Facebook and other social media to promote the Kiwanis Club. We need to keep getting the club's name out there to promote our community involvement and to add new members to help in our endeavors.
Be sure to check the Calendar posted on the San Marcos Kiwanis Club website to stay up-to-date on what is happening.
Humor and Musings.
"To those of you who received honors, awards and distinctions, I say well done. And to the C students, I say you, too, can be president of the United States." George W. Bush
"Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won’t expect it back." Oscar Wilde
The irony to mankind is that a computer program asks a human to prove they're not a robot. Unknown 

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