Although Lon did not begin the meeting with this story, it seems like a fitting place to put it in the newsletter. He told a story about cattleman Caddo Sanders. his wife Ruby and their beloved dog Buffy. Upon Buffy's demise, Ruby wanted to be sure that after cremation, it would be Buffy's ashes that were returned to them. They could not attend to it right away so Buffy's body was put in a freezer. There was an auction being prepared for prior to cremation being taken care of and for reasons unknown, someone opened up the freezer. The sight of frozen Buffy elicited a scream.
Well, Buffy finally was cremated and came home. Ruby put Buffy's ashes on a night stand by the bed. Every night she would say "Good night." After a while Caddo realized she was saying good night to Buffy, not to him.
Lon reported that Rick went to the San Marcos High School event for awarding of the scholarships to the three student recipients the Kiwanis Club Scholarship Committee chose. Kristin also attended. Rick learned last minute that he was supposed to get up and say something to the students which he did and I am sure did well. He said he was honored to represent the Kiwanis Club. The three recipients are Austin Ault, Maya Sophia Uzwyshyn and Adigheji Ifowodo. They all, hopefully, will be able to come to our Kiwanis meeting on May 23rd to receive their $1000 checks.
There are two camp clean ups scheduled starting at 9:00 a.m. on May 4th and June 1st. The restrooms need some maintenance and cleaning plus the usual weedeating and mowing needs to be done.
Lon distributed the "San Marcos Kiwanis Club Meetings Etiquette" guide for 2024. It is a reminder to be polite and courteous; be considerate to speakers during programs and to other members when giving reports by not visiting with each other; not using your cell phone while in the room; and many more ways to conduct oneself for a pleasant meeting and to create a welcoming environment for our guests.
The first round for announcing nominees for 2024-2025 officers and new board members was conducted. Officers are Rick Pickering as President, Kristin Wingard as Treasurer, and Jennifer Richmond as Secretary. New Board members proposed are Willie Garza, Doug Bachman and Rhonda White. Moe Johnson and John Roppolo have served their two terms and Rick will be vacating a spot to become President.
Rhonda, Beverly and Kelli reported on the Clay Shoot which is happening on April 27th. Rhonda said anyone can come but please RSVP if you want a meal for $15. San Marcos Barbeque is providing the food with members bringing homemade desserts. Also, bring your own lawn chair. They already have enough help so there is no work to do if you come out. Kelli is taking care of the raffle while Beverly and Rhonda will be serving the food.
They have 8 teams and teams can sign up on the day of the clay shoot. There will be a challenge shoot after the main Clay Shoot event. They have collected $5000 in sponsorships, to date. More will be reported after the event.
May 2nd: Lon and Bill Pennington will give a talk on the "Junior Agricultural Mechanics Show."
May 9th: Round Table due to Texas State Graduation. For new members, the Round Table is a non meeting lunch. Since it is posted that our club meets every Thursday at Grins, we have the room available for those who want to get together as a social group and be a presence in case a Kiwanis member from another club drops by. Actually any other club like Rotary members can also visit. If you are striving for perfect attendance and have missed any regular meetings, this one counts as a make up meeting.
May 16th: Ashley Schimelman from the San Marcos Library.
May 23rd: Moe Johnson and the SMKC Scholarship Winners.
EVENTS: Camp clean up on May 4th starting at 9:00 a.m.
Regular Reminders:
Don't forget to click "like" and "share" on Facebook and other social media to promote the Kiwanis Club. We need to keep getting the club's name out there to promote our community involvement and to add new members to help in our endeavors.
Be sure to check the Calendar posted on the San Marcos Kiwanis Club website to stay up-to-date on what is happening.
Humor and Musings:
"The vocative and written word can be dynamic. It is a force, once released, not easily controlled. Therefore, nothing should be more carefully selected than our words." Ralph M . Lewis
"A virtue is a self-disciplinary action by which a certain standard of behaviour is attained." Ralph M . Lewis
On the lighter side:
"If a cow doesn't produce milk, is it a milk dud or an udder failure?" Author unknown.