We had two guests this time. Billy Williams (aka Santa Claus) who owns the company "Williams Computer Consulting" and Jesse introduced Lea Franks who is Executive Director of "Acclaimed Senior Living." They are both interested in becoming Kiwanis members. Billy was a member of the Lockhart Kiwanis Club before moving to San Marcos.
Lon noted that Willie and Jesse gave Billy and Lea the new prospective member cards.
Jesse reminded us about the Business Expo run by the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce. We are needing to raise funds to pay for a booth. Veronique generously has donated one of her original acrylic paintings for an auction item at next week's meeting. She said it is influenced by the Moroccan culture but can be interpreted in a number of ways with the "square" motif representing various symbolisms. She said it reminded her of a church window. It is framed and ready to hang on a wall so be considering putting in a bid.
Rick reported that since Jeanne and Doug's departure, help is needed with the Flag Program. Jeanne apparently did the collection for the nine routes. The Boy Scout troop who helps with the La Cima route will take it on the June 14th Flag Day and more scouts may become available to help. La Cima currently has 58 flags. If you can volunteer some time on June 14th please let Rick know so he can get a route assigned. Lon will need help with the courthouse location. There was concern expressed at the last meeting about any flags left overnight needing to be lit. That situation has been checked out and the flags are lit so no worries there.
Lon gave an update on the Good Citizens Camp. It did not work out for this week but is still on for next week.
Rick reported on the camp work day. He brought pizza for lunch and everyone was eating when he noticed Luanne was not at the table. Turns out she was still cleaning the bathrooms. When he checked them, they would have passed hospital regulations. She manages to look quite stylish even when cleaning camp bathrooms.
Kristin and Steve Chase (pondering next move)
This week's program fell to Lon to present. Website committee members Stacie who was out-of-town and Beverly were not at the meeting and Jennifer had, for the most part, lost her voice. He has done quite a lot of work on the website, especially in ClubRunner, so is quite knowledgable. He first went over new features, existing links such as for the Kiwanis history, and improvements already done and to be done on the San Marcos Kiwanis homepage. Anyone can get on the homepage without a password. He then went into ClubRunner to highlight some of its features with an emphasis on the Organization tab and how to find committe documents which will be helpful for future committee members to find guidelines. He also showed the Communication tab to locate where to create emails. Time ran out to do a complete in depth presentation. There are many more features that can be great resources for members who are of the more techie persuasion.
June 13th: Hays Office for Veterans with Lisa Adams
June 20th: Judge Tanner Neidhardt
June 27th: Sponsored Youth
June 10th-June 14th: Good Citizens Camp, 9:00-4:00
June 20th: Dinner Social at Jorges starting at 6:00 p.m.
June 20th: Birthday celebration for June birthdays.
Regular Reminders:
Don't forget to click "like" and "share" on Facebook and other social media to promote the Kiwanis Club. We need to keep getting the club's name out there to promote our community involvement and to add new members to help in our endeavors.
Be sure to check the Calendar posted on the San Marcos Kiwanis Club website to stay up-to-date on what is happening.
Humor and Musings:
In refernce to a clean camp bathroom:
“Toilets: The original waste management system.”
"You may not be able to change a situation, but with humor you can change your attitude about it." Allen Klein
"A sense of humor...is needed armor. Joy in one's heart and some laughter on one's lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp on life." Hugh Sidey
bring a guest to an upcoming meeting!