San Marcos Kiwanis Club
Rick Pickering giving program on Kiwanis International Youth Protection
San Marcos Kiwanis Club Newsletter, Sept. 12, 2024
Rick did the honors today for leading the meeting. After our usual opening of a patriotic song, Pledge of Allegiance, a prayer, Big Bucks and Happy Dollars, he went straight into his reports of which there were many. Much of what he covered was also part of the Board meeting the night before so there will not be a separate board meeting report.
Rick reported that dues are due. Kristin sent out an email notice to everyone with what they would owe for the year. It is also the last day for payment if you want to go to the Installation Banquet.
A show of hands was requested for helping set up the tables at around 4:00 p.m. before the banquet. This will enable the decorating to be done in time.
The Kiwanis Magazine is now online only for members. One hard copy is sent to the club.
Kristi met with Key Club this week. She said meetings will be in the library at the high school at 10:23 on the 2nd Monday of the month. She said to be sure to get there by 10:00, though, as it takes time to check in at the main office.
The Kissing Tree Vendor Fair is Tuesday, Oct. 29th. Volunteers are needed to host the Kiwanis Table. The event cost is $100. Rick suggested the Kissing Tree be asked about sponsoring the Pumpkin Dash Run.
The non-profit School Fuel does food packaging on Thursdays at Mendez Elementary School at 1805 Peter Garza in San Marcos. They are asking for a donation but at the board meeting it was suggested we volunteer to help pack. The goal is to provide two volunteers. Sign up is available at under We could use a coordinator for this.
Trunk or Treat is on October 31st from 6:00-9:00 p.m. at the San Marcos Police Dept. located at 2300 S. IH 35. We are asking for everyone to bring a bag of candy or some treat to the next meeting that will be passed out at the event. Kristi Dame is the coordinator. Parking is available at Classic Collision at 2600 S. IH 35 the night of the event.
Camp Cleanup and Social is scheduled for Oct. 12th. More details to come. Boy Scouts and the Key Club expressed interest in helping. Lon Shell is Coordinator.

It is time for the annual Kiwanis Club Financial Audit. Another volunteer is needed to assist.
We need to solicit more sponsors for the Great Pumpkin Dash. A sponsor request form has been emailed out to all members. Kelli said that so far La Cima is the only sponosr. Moe has the race route picked and coordination with the Sheriff's dept. is done. This is an important fundraiser for the beginning of the new fiscal year so any help for getting sponsors is appreciated.

Rhonda said McBride Wilson and Billy Williams are celebrating their birthdays this month. We will celebrate this at the Sept. 26th meeting. There is always something fabulous to eat so plan to be there.
Butter Braid orders will be taken in October. Rick asked that we make every effort to sell to others as well as purchase the pastries for ourselves to maximize our fundraising needs. Rhonda is the lead on this fundraiser.
PROGRAM: Rick focused on the Kiwanis International Youth Protection training that all members should have and is mandatory for those who are working directly with youth in the Sponsored Leadership programs like Key Club, K Kids, We Build and Terrific Kids or any event that brings a member directly into contact with youth. Background checks are also mandatory for all members. Jennifer will be sending out reminders to those whose background checks have expired.
Rick gave an overview of youth abuse statistics, noting that abuse is happening online a lot more. To bring awareness, districts have forums and workshops at conventions. Youth Protection Courses are available online. Members should refresh their training every two years. There are seven courses covering different topics. These can be accessed through a Kiwanis Member portal where you may create an account.
Information and training are also available through:
There are many behaviors that you should and should not do when interacting with youth both in person and online. There are also many ways to respond when you see abuse. They include reporting troubling behavior; stopping imminent danger; calling the Youth Protection Helpline; and notifying Law enforcement, if applicable.
This is a serious problem and, unfortunately, a growing one for which all who work with youth must be aware and receive training.
Sept. 19th: Round Table - Bring candy for Trunk or Treat
Sept. 26th: Business meeting and birthday celebration for September birthdays.
Sept. 20th: Installation Banquet, First United Methodist Church, 6:00 p.m.
Regular Reminders: 
Don't forget to click "like" and "share" on Facebook and other social media to promote the Kiwanis Club. We need to keep getting the club's name out there to promote our community involvement and to add new members to help in our endeavors.
Be sure to check the Calendar posted on the San Marcos Kiwanis Club website to stay up-to-date on what is happening.
Humor and Musings:
"Facebook just sounds like a drag. In my day seeing pictures of peoples vacations was considered a punishment. "– Betty White
"Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that who cares? He’s a mile away and you’ve got his shoes." – Billy Connolly
"We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public." – Bryan White

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