Do you remember back in February of this year, that 99.99% members of our club were working the Pancake and Silent Auction....except one, and that was Lon Shell.  But he had a very good reason for not being there because he was in San Antonio at the Junior Agricultural Mechanical  Project Show.  He is going to be telling our club about this show through a power point presentation at our club meeting, Thursday, May 7th.  You don't want to miss it.  
     The Junior Agricultural Mechanics project show is a unique contest held annually during the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo.
 JAM goals are to encourage, recognize, facilitate and reward learning and the development of skills through the design, construction and exhibition of agricultural projects and/or Tractor Restoration.  It is also a grand way to showcase the outstanding leadership, technical abilities and accomplishments of our Texas youth.  Lon is well qualified to address this subject in detail as he is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus, (Ret); Agricultural Systems Management, Department of Agriculture, Texas State University.  Bring a friend to this program.