(Your editor is running this article from last week's bulletin, because of it's importance to our club, and also to say that  Sam Brannon has agreed to be our club's Public Relations Person, and as such he will be getting information from Kiwanis District and International that will be beneficial for our club.  Thanks Sam for taking that position)
     Sam Brannon took the lead and got our club on Facebook.  Your editor doesn't know an awful lot about Facebook, but I do know that it is an excellent media tool to let the community know what is going on in our club.  Remember, we are all about kids, and kids go on Facebook quite a bit, so Sam, we really appreciate you taking this on.  Now here are some of his instructions:
He has just completed a first-pass set up on the Facebook page.  Go to the link, "San Marcos Kiwanis Club" and click the "like" button.  On Facebook pages this is the ultimate sign of your reach.  When people click "like" on the page our posts,/mews will be included in their Facebook news feed, and our events will then be For instance, if we gather 300 "likes" that means 300 people will be notified of ouir upcoming Garage Sale, which has already been posted.  Then when we "share" the post, it will appear on our own individual Facebook page timelines, and the post will show up in our friends 'news feed'  We can literally reach thousands this way.
     Sam will also be presenting a "policy" of sorts, for us to consider some best practices when using Facebook to interact with the community around us.