I am real sorry that this did not get into last week's bulletin, but your editor just plumb forgot it.  If you will remember back in December at our Christmas luncheon at San Marcos BBQ, we presented McBride Wilson with a special Plaque of Excell
lence, for his many years of being chairman of our Kiwanis camp, Camp Kiwah.  Then at one of our Board meetings, a proposal was brought by Lon Shell to rename the camp in honor of McBride.  Some suggestions were given, but the one that best fits the man and the situation is McBride Wilson Kiwanis Youth Camp, and so it was a done deal.  Lone arranged to have these new signs made and they were displayed to the club last Thursday, April 16.  (left).  In the meantime, McBride figured that 30 years was just about long enough for him to maintain camp supervisor, so the new coordinator of the Camp is now Gary Strunk.  The sign was put up by Lon, McBride and Gary, I believe last Thursday.  We are so proud of our camp, and look forward to continuing to maintain it and keep it in great shape.