Here's a few few more fundraising ideas in the early days of our club.  One activity was thought up by one membger, Harry Wiede.  He came up with the idea of sellindeer hides.  Harry had been collecting deer hides for several years, processed them for sale, and donated the proceeds to the club.  This added any where from $100 - $150 to the club annually.  Another ongoing activity which required very little effort and which furnished the club small amount each month,  was the placement of gumball machines.  We are doing that to this day.....The early club depended heavily on dramatic productions, probably because of the availability of two former vaudevillians, Leslie Cooper and G.H. "Happy Ward......In 1927, the club put on a "Womanless Wedding, with Alfred Nolle as announcer.  The following year naturally, they put on a "Womanless Divorce" was presented with Dr. Nolle as attorney for the plaintiff, and Maurice Waldrip as :"Mother of the Bride".  The tickets for these productions were $.50.